What is Acne Bootcamp?

Whether you are a teenager or adult, have cystic or hormonal acne, Lexa Aesthetics offers Acne Bootcamp.

We are proudly certified Face Reality Acne Specialist and have gone through extensive acne training and use a line specifically designed and developed for acne.

This program is designed to work hand in hand with your esthetician with the help of personalized skin care routines as well as bi-weekly treatments. With a commitment from you, the average clear rate is 98%.

How long does Acne Bootcamp take?

Clearing acne does not happen overnight. It is a process. Did you know acne can start in the skin 30-90 days before you even see it?

Due to this, clearing acne takes time. Depending upon the type of acne you have, and how committed you are to the program, will dictate how long it takes to clear.

Typically it will take between 3-4 months before you are completely clear, but as the process goes on, expect to see clearer skin.

What is expected of me and why should I do this bootcamp?

This boot camp is designed for someone who is fed up with dealing with acne or is just starting to experience acne and wants to stop it early. It is designed for a committed individual who is tired of experiencing acne.

If you decide to join Acne Bootcamp you are expected to follow a home care regimen of products that have been specifically chosen for you and your acne needs. Professional treatments are also required to move the skin along quicker.

What is the process?

Initially, an in depth consultation is completed to get a full understanding of your acne and lifestyle. A treatment can also be completed after the consultation if you decide to commit to Acne Bootcamp. A home care regimen is then sent home and you will start using the products. Treatments are performed every 2 weeks.

Will I have to purchase products?

Yes. In order to be successful in this program, using the prescribed home care routine is required.

Cost will vary per individual, but is generally around $175-$200. Most of these products will last you 2-4 months.

Acne Bootcamp Requires your commitment and will not work if done sporadically.

It is my hope that your skin will clear within 3-6 months, but individual results will vary. Your compliance is of utmost importance.

Keeping your appointments is imperative to clearing your skin.

We very excited to offer Acne Bootcamp, and we look forward to supporting you in achieving the clear, beautiful skin you desire!

